#169: “The Blog That Could Have Been”

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I had intended for this Blog to be a response Blog to one from my good friend Jason ‘blaaaaaah666′ Tompkins. I had planned to launch a scathing attack on his opinion that the day of the mass-multitabler were over, paving the way for three clicks a minute men like himself to dominate the online arena. It was going to be brutal – with stats, analysis and reams of empirical data that would make an actuary’s head spin.

But then Jason decided to run deep in this EPT San Remo thingy so do something so churlish seemed inappropriate. It might also have been so comprehensive a slamdunk that Jason might not have showed up today, fearing the ridicule of his tablemates who would quote passages from my Blog, tilting him off his A-Game and reducing him to a whimpering mess on today’s televised livestream.

So I guess I’ll have to deconstruct his Blog another time. In any case, it’s gonna be way more fun ripping apart the opinions of the skinniest EPT champ ever (Take that Liv!)! To borrow your own phrase Mr. Tompkins, take it down bruv!